An unique totally illuminated publication - Understanding Sacred Geometry and the Flower of Life - a Higher Dimensional Perspective on an Ancient Wisdom Stream. View it online or purchase published copies.

Sacred Geometry and the Flower of Life

This sacred geometry publication discusses an extraordinary selection of enlightening topics associated with sacred geometry and the flower of life.

Articulating the thoughts of scientists and philosophers and mystics, it presents a new view at the occult belief of the significance of the primary patterns to uplifting the collective intellect and spirit.

Fully illustrated, every subject is delightfully created, and a preliminary reading only enjoying the imagery and diagrams will likely already inspire with significant foundation ideas. There is actually very little complex mathematics required at all, and a high school level of comprehension is all that is necessary to understand the great glimpses into the secrets of reality that are made effortlessly available in this book.

The book opens with some history, and foundation ideas including clarity and the importance of curves and lines. It then expounds on the ideas of Buckminster Fuller in relation to the priority of triangular patterns to understanding energy geometries of systems of all kinds. From there the matters explored are as diverse as geography, culture, artistry, technology, well being, psychology, archetypal symbols, higher dimensional geometry, and much more.

By visiting the web page one can peruse the whole book online as it is nicely showcased in an electronic book form. In case you prefer to actually hold the book in your hands then it is rather generously priced at $24 including world-wide shipping and handling.

We stand on the transition of a new era of technological marvels founded on a better comprehension of the harmonic nature of the universe, and nevertheless we are aware that we might probably be about to annihilate ourselves and everything which we cherish. The polarization of likely destinies has probably not been this extreme within mortal memory. In a planet where a huge portion of the global human population are occupied trying to get through yet another day, we are lucky to have an opportunity to consider greater matters. During the creation of this book the author has asked himself numerous times exactly what he truly believes about Sacred Geometry, and how sacred geometry might be an useful tool for good in this progressively more troubled world. What he conjured up in his most far out visions, is that Sacred Geometry will develop into the proverbial greatest thing since rock 'n' roll. That humanity will discover in it a secret to expediting the awakening of the human emotions and spirit.


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