iMosaic Success as well as Honors Event - Robban Sica MD

< period design=" shade: rgb( 68, 68, 68); font-family:" open="" sans ",="" helvetica,="" arial,=" "sans-serif;="" font-size:="" 14px;=" "font-style: =" "typical;="" font-variant-ligatures:="" font-variant-caps:="" font-weight: ="" 400;="" letter-spacing:= "" orphans:="" 2;= "" text-align:="" begin;="" text-indent:=" "0px;="" text-transform:=" "none;="" white-space:=" "widows

:=" "word-spacing:=""- webkit-text-stroke-width:="" background-color:="" rgb (255,="" 255,=" "255 );="" text-decoration-style: =" "preliminary;=" "text-decoration-color:="" screen:="" inline=""! crucial;="" float:="" none;"="" > The name iMosaic stands for Integrative Medication Offering Science-based Alternatives in Collaboration. The meeting was created by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine( AAEM), American College for Advancement in Medicine( ACAM), American Holistic Medical Organization( AHMA), and also the International University of Integrative Medication( ICIM).< period style=" color: rgb( 68, 68, 68); font-family:" open="" sans", ="" helvetica, ="" arial, ="" sans-serif;= "" font-size:= "" 14px;=" "font-style:="" typical ;=" "font-variant-ligatures:="" font-variant-caps:="" font-weight:="" 400;="" letter-spacing:=" "orphans:="" 2;="" text-align: =" "start;=" "text-indent:="" 0px; ="" text-transform:="" none;="" white-space:="" widows:= "" word-spacing:=""- webkit-text-stroke-width: ="" background-color:= "" rgb( 255,= "" 255, ="" 255);="" text-decoration-style:= "" preliminary;="" text-decoration-color:= "" screen:="" inline=""! crucial;="" float:=" "none;" ="" > Dr. Sica's integrative strategy which is a successful version for assessing and attending to the patient's wellness conditions by recognizing underlying stress factors originating from all facets: spiritual, psychological, physical, and social

. Dr. Sica effectively integrates her history research consisting of holistic medication, anti-aging, natural hormone replacement and also endocrine troubles, nutrition/vitamin supplements consisting of all-natural alternatives to medication, allergic reactions as well as ecological medicine, hefty steel poisoning, chelation therapy, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, as well as treatment of persistent illnesses. Dr. Sica has received qualifications in Integrative, Holistic Medication, Long Life Medication as well as Clinical Steel Toxicology. She is President of the International University of Integrative Medicine and Assistant of the American Association for Health And Wellness Liberty, as well as Vice Head Of State of the Connecticut Health And Wellness Freedom Union. She was formerly the assistant of the American Board of Professional Metal Toxicology and also a member of the Board of Supervisors of the American College for Advancement in Medicine. < period design="shade: rgb( 68, 68, 68); font-family:" open ="" sans", =" "helvetica, ="" arial, =" "sans-serif; ="" font-size: ="" 14px; =" "font-style: ="" normal;="" font-variant-ligatures: ="" font-variant-caps: ="" font-weight: ="" 400;="" letter-spacing: ="" orphans: ="" 2; ="" text-align: =" "begin; ="" text-indent: ="" 0px;="" text-transform: =" "none; ="" white-space: =" "widows: ="" word-spacing: ="" - webkit-text-stroke-width:="" background-color:="" rgb( 255, ="" 255, ="" 255);="" text-decoration-style: ="" initial; ="" text-decoration-color: =" "screen: ="" inline=""! crucial; ="" float: ="" none;" ="" >

American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM)


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