
Showing posts from August, 2021

Safe Co Sleeping with a Co Sleeper Bed

Co sleeping is an ancient practice. Sharing the parent’s bed with an infant was the norm in all societies prior to the 1700s according to a 1995 study published by the Official Journal of the Royal College of Midwives. In many countries and cultures, co-sleeping and using a co sleeper bed is still widely practiced, where the benefit for both babies and mothers can still be seen today. Medical and scientific evidence suggests that co-sleeping (sleeping in close quarters with baby and parent) has many benefits that the Western practice of leaving infants alone in a room of their own does not. In fact, babies who co sleep are often reported to seem happier than babies who don’t. Lactation consultants, doulas, midwives, and safe sleep professionals recommend the babybay co sleeper bed for safe co-sleeping practices. The babybay is an eco-friendly, non toxic baby %LINK% that allows parents and their newborn to sleep side by side at night, but in separate spaces. This is safe co-sleeping at

CEO Exit Strategy Tips From One Of The Top 40 Under 40

Wind Mobile founder Anthony Lacavera has started 12 businesses, six of which he has exited. His exits have ranged in value from the $6 million he got for one of his recent start-ups to $1.3 billion when he sold Wind Mobile. He did it by following two key CEO Exit Strategy tips. •           Understand what kind of company you are running Lacavera has owned hyper-growth unicorns and lifestyle businesses and urges entrepreneurs to be clear about their long-term prospects. Lacavera started a business supplying hotels with internet access and understood the company would be a good cash generator, but would never sell for a mint. He ran the business for almost two decades and used the cash it generated to fund various other ventures. Recently, he finally sold the business, which was generating $1.5 million in pre-tax profit, for $8 million—a relatively modest 5 times earnings, which was fine by Lacavera, because it had served its purpose of funding other companies along the way. •          

Can Cats Find Their Way Home?

So take good care of your cats. However, a cautious note for people who might try throwing their cats out of their house is to understand that most domestic cats of recent times may not possess this skill as their lives have increasingly become sedentary. The reaction is so immediate that cat judges the gravity and guides its body accordingly But does the world need more cats? A cat is the second most popular pet in the world. And you can't blame the animal shelters for that. We all know that dogs often suffer from articular pains And people who had the audacity to so much as look kindly at a cat, were deemed witches. The average litter of cats consists of four kittens. A cat can jump upto seven times its height. The eyes of kitten open at eight to ten days of age, and they begin to be weaned about six weeks after birth. A frightened domestic cat can run at speeds of upto thirty miles per hour When a cat suddenly stops going to his litter box, this problem is normally the cause. Wh

Biofuel Jet Fuel and SAF News Roundup

There is solid momentum happening behind the scenes for Northwest Advanced Bio-Fuels LLC, as we move ever closer to the construction of a facility to produce and supply Delta Air Lines with 60+ million gallons of  biofuel jet fuel annually. As we continue to forge new partnerships with world-class engineering firms to fill the role of Owner’s Engineer, Project Manager, and eventually Construction Manager, the SAF and biofuels world continues to grow. Here are a few recent news stories that are indicative of the future growth we will all see in this sector. Agriculture & Biofuels Industry Group Pushes for SAF Tax Credit A group of biofuel and agriculture industry associations teamed up recently to send a letter to the U.S. Senate members to outline their recommendations for the SAF tax credit. The undersigned groups are: American Farm Bureau Federation Growth Energy National Biodiesel Board National Corn Growers Association National Farmers Union Renew

Where Does Success Or Failure Begin?

Let me demonstrate just how powerful the right mindset is when you are monetizing your business. The wrong sort of thinking could even make you broke and hungry. These examples will show you how a shift in thinking can make the difference between success and failure. The Customers Dream Do you have any idea how long customers normally have to wait to get their furniture delivered? The standard wait time in the industry is three to six weeks for in-stock merchandise. That’s just crazy! Then along comes AMAZON! When you can shop at night and sometimes have it on your porch the very next day! In many industries before Amazon– that was UNHEARD OF! When Amazon began, not a single store in town was delivering furniture to a customer’s home within a couple of days let alone overnight. That was just not the way things were done. Amazon wanted to deliver in three days or less. Do you think the business owners were scorned and warned by ALL the other furniture retailers who they asked for advice

The Factors that Shape Your Succession and Exit Transition Plan

Preparing your exit transition plan from your business takes a great deal of forethought, analysis, and often outside expert counsel. Business owners often underestimate the time involved in the succession planning process, and because of that, the intention to ‘retire in a few years’ gets passed by. What’s needed is a clear business exit strategy, with defined goals at specific junctures.  Preparing your business exit transition plan is essentially creating the plan for finalizing your official status with the business, and wrapping up your full involvement in the company. Once you fully commit to this strategy, you will see yourself starting to make different decisions around the company’s operation.  You may start to delegate more of the nuts and bolts of operational aspects to others in the company. You may step back from hand-holding certain clients. You may inspire others to create new products to carry the company forward after you leave the firm. You may start to consider the

GrooveKart Review | An Honest Review On The Pros And Cons Of Using GrooveKart For Your Online Store

Looking to set up an online store but not sure what platform to use? In this video I talk about the pros and cons of GrooveKart. GrooveKart is a new and innovative ecommerce platform. You can sign up for a free account and enjoy the benefits of a full featured online store! The platform has advanced features that enable you to sell physical products online without any worries. GrooveKart is easy to use whether you are just starting out or are moving from another platform. I've been using GrooveKart for a few months now and I'm excited to share my honest thoughts on the pros and cons of using this platform. What is GrooveKart? GrooveKart is just one of the apps you get access to when you sign up for your free account. It has been designed by leading ecommerce experts to include more powerful standard features than the leading platforms. You don't have to invest in additional plugins or apps to get the functionality and features you need to increase sales an

NWABF Selects Black and Veatch as its EPC of Record For Aviation BioFuel Initiatives

Northwest Advanced Bio-Fuels (NWABF), known for its expertise to produce sustainable jet fuel capacity for the financial marketplace and lender communities, announced that it has selected Black & Veatch, the global engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) firm as its EPC of record for its sustainable aviation fuel project. Black & Veatch is also being hired to complete the FEL2 and Front-end Engineering and Design Study, (“FEED”), for the Project, prior to the Construction phase. During the FEED, B&V will assemble the Technologies to process up to 3,000 dry tons per day of woody biomass into approximately sixty million, (60,000,000) gallons of Sustainable Aviation Fuel annually. “We are excited to move forward with Black & Veatch as we progress on our sustainable aviation fuel project,” says Dave Smoot, Manager of Northwest Advanced Bio-Fuels. “Black & Veatch is a well-respected company with great experience for these types of projects, and we look forward to

Bio Jet Fuel Initiative Under Development for Major Airline

The next step in the race to find renewable energy sources to power our global economy is sustainable aviation fuel, and one company has taken a big first leap toward that goal: Northwest Advanced Bio-Fuels, LLC (NWABF). In a recently announced $2 million partnership with a major airline, NWABF is currently working on Phase 1 of a feasibility study to create that bio jet fuel from wood residue deposits and wood slash on forest floors known as woody biomass. Providing Solutions for Air Lines with West Coast Operations With the Phase 1 “Advanced Planning Study” of a bio jet fuel production facility underway, NWABF is already planning for a Phase 2 Front-end Engineering and Design Study that will allow the Project’s world-class Engineering and Construction Partner to design and construct the renewable bio jet fuel facility in Washington State. First deliveries are planned for the end of 2023 for use of the renewable jet fuel in this airline’s operations up and down the West Coast. This s

Cryptonewsmart - Will Crypto Destroy the old-Style Banking Industry?

Banking, as we know it has been round for the reason that first currencies have been minted-perhaps even earlier than that, in some type or one other. Forex, particularly cash, grew out of taxation. Within the early days of historical empires, annual taxation on one could have been affordable, however as empires expanded, this kind of fee grew to become much less fascinating. Nonetheless going again in trendy days, for the reason that Covid state of affairs, not solely have we appeared to maneuver to a “cashless” society, however we discover a rise of curiosity relating to crypto.The company in control of chartering and supervising national banking institutions is typically one of several a lot more obscure federal fiscal regulators. But OCC has caught the attention in the crypto Group as a result of its championing of integration concerning the crypto economic climate along with the legacy monetary technique beneath the short Management of former Acting Comptroller of t

Dave Woodward - "A New Revelation "

From selling candy in the 5th grade to becoming the CEO of a company, today’s guest helped ClickFunnels go to 100 million dollars in revenue in less than 5 years! Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?! When you hear the saying, “anything is possible.” Believe it! Listeners, it’s time to Get Naked with David & his guest, Dave Woodward. Dave is a devoted husband, father & a successful entrepreneur. He is a ClickFunnels partner & host of Clickfunnels Radio. David & Dave share stories of how their journey with ClickFunnels began & how much fun they’ve had helping others create success. Be sure to listen to the end to find out who David & Dave’s biggest supporters are. IN THIS EPISODE, YOU WILL LEARN: [ 00:01:59 ] First Thing Dave Did to Make Money [ 00:08:47 ] How Did Dave Meet Russell Brunson? [ 00:19:33 ] How to Add the Most Impact with a Smaller Budget [ 00:22:47 ] Biggest Lessons Learned in Scaling a Company Effectively [ 00:30:55 ] Final Thoughts from Dave Connect wi

Do You Want to Learn CEO Succession Planning Best Practices?

Did you know the ideal timeline for succession planning is 5 years? It is possible though for the unexpected to happen and if/when it does, a  CEO succession planning best practices is to have a game plan i.e. a succession plan  all lined up and ready to go to ensure continued success with your business. Take a look at the CEO Succession Planning  timeline here: THE SUSTAINING PHASE Begin this phase 2-3 years in advance. The executives are preparing to thrive under the new leadership; Right Mindset, Future Outlook, Organization's Sustainability, Updated Strategic Plan, Executive Team Assessment, and Internal Team Candidates. THE TRANSITIONING PHASE Begin this phase 6-12 months before the leadership transition and consider overlapping with the Sustaining Phase. The organization embarks on the executive search process for the successors that may include board members, management team, and executives. Extensive work is done with transition planning. THE ONBOARDING & SUPPORT PHASE

4 Marketing Concepts To Promote Your Dental Practitioner Workplace

When most people consider a dentist, it's not always a business that exudes wellness, or even smiles, at every turn! However dental practices, like any other small business, need to work harder to keep their customers delighted. When we look at a service such as a dental expert, it is not necessarily something that may appear valuable because they supply a service to people that are experiencing some sort of ailment. Nevertheless, much like any other service, you have actually got to find the right techniques to approach this technique. Promoting your dental expert's office is like promoting any other small business; what are the manner ins which specify to oral companies that can grow a customer base?  A Welcoming Environment The very first port of call when it concerns promoting your dental expert is to make certain that you ensure repeat customers by concentrating on the ambiance of the space you inhabit. Because a dental professional's workplace screams scientific and s

Little Nightmares 2 - BONUS SOUNDTRACKS. OST

Bonus Soundtracks ( OST ) by Tobias Lilja for Little Nightmares 2, not included in the game. Enjoy once again the music from Little Nightmares 2

Tips on How to Get Your Best Sleep After C-Section

There is a lot to go through with a newborn and recovering from major abdominal surgery on top of that takes some extra care. Your doctor should have provided you with very specific care information about your healing process, but there isn’t really a handbook on how to make it all work with getting enough rest and How to sleep after c section while taking care of your baby. Keep in mind this is just a small part of your journey with your new baby, and the better you take care of yourself the faster your recovery can happen. It is easy to stare at your precious baby and count the fingers and toes all day, but as you have probably heard over and over again: Rest when your baby rests. This is so important for sleep-deprived new moms in general, but as your body recovers from the C-section you need even more rest than usual. If you have a partner at home to help you try and plan a little additional time to stretch the breaks you get by getting help with diaper changes or meal preparation

Are You Planning to Sell a Business? Avoid These Traps

It has been said that some business owners have been known to refer to due diligence as “the entrepreneur’s proctology exam.” While this is a crude analogy, it is a good representation of what it feels like when a stranger pokes, prods, and looks inside every inch of your business.  Most professional acquirers will have a checklist of questions they need to be answered if they’re considering buying your company. They’ll want answers to questions like: Do you have consistent, signed, up-to-date contracts with your customers and employees? Are your ideas, products and processes protected by patent or trademark? What are the loan covenants on your credit agreements? How are your receivables? Do you have any late payers or deadbeat customers? Do you have any litigation pending? In addition to these objective questions, they’ll also try to get a subjective sense of your business. In particular, they will try to determine just how integral you are personally to the success of your business. 

NZT-48 Limitless Pill Reviews

What is NZT-48 Limitless Pill ? NZT-48 Limitless Pill is undoubtedly an all-natural nootropic supplement that aims to boost cognitive function, namely focus and memory levels, analytical capacities, and inducing feelings of positive thinking. Moreover, the creators behind this solution, i.e., Limitless, affirm that levels of energy are likely to reach peak levels, ultimately maximizing one’s productivity levels and, in some ways, one’s self-confidence. Before going above the ingredients to blame for rejuvenating one’s brain and cognitive function, we should take a step back to comprehend the mechanisms behind nootropics. How does NZT-48 Limitless Pill work? The step to NZT-48 Limitless Pill rests inside the term “Nootropics” or “Brain Booster.” The term was initially coined to represent compounds which are directly associated with mental functions. With an all-natural supplement like NZT-48 Limitless Pill, the formula is predicted to perform like a vasodilator. As explained by some sou

Get Naked in Business- Exploits of A Teenage Drug Dealer with Erik Frank

It’s Time to Get Naked, Get Real & Get Raw with David & Erik! Erik is a failed drugdealer who turned his life around. He’s now a successful entrepreneur, a Petra Coach & President of EO New Orleans. Erik’s burning desire for health & wellness started at a young age. This passion inspired him to start Your Nutrition Delivered. YND grew massively providing 25,000 healthy meals to entrepreneurs around the United States. Erik was named Entrepreneur of the Year in New Orleans in 2015 & led Your Nutrition Delivered to a successful exit in 2016. Be sure to listen to the end to hear Erik’s advice for CEO’s. IN THIS EPISODE, YOU WILL LEARN: [ 00:01:17 ] Erik’s First Realization of Entrepreneurship [ 00:03:45 ] What Did Businesses Think of the Health Care Reform? [ 00:04:28 ] Psychology of Success [ 00:07:37 ] What Company Did Erik Start? [ 00:11:21 ] Advice for CEO’s Connect with Guest Name: 1. Follow Erik on Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter 2. Check out Erik’s website &

Nutritionists In The 21st Century

Fresh acai may never be available to you unless you visit the specific areas in Brazil where acai is grown but it doesn't mean that you'll miss out on all the nutrients that acai berry can offer. This is particularly important for vegetarians and vegans who are commonly deficient in iron and B12. Some, such as Omega-6, cannot be produced by the body and must come from a food source. The report presents detailed analysis of medical nutrition market using Porter’s five forces model. There are many valid reasons for choosing to consume a vegetarian or vegan diet, including ethical, environmental, and religious reasons Consequently, one could be wise to know quite well what it is going to need for somebody to be in well being and one should read an excellent deal about this too. Having a healthy body is always the dream of anyone. Our bodies are trim and lean, and our skin looks clear and healthy, nails are stronger, and our hair looks shinier Let's spend some time learning ab

5 Ways That Your Website Is Costing You New Business

Why Your Website is Costing You New Business With technology growing at an alarming rate over the last decade, the Internet has been at the forefront of each and every single one of these advancements. Smart phones and tablet devices are now a part of everyday life. You can even use them to do your banking and to pay for items and services. Yes, technology is most certainly king and for that reason, if you want to stand any chance of succeeding within the business world, you need to embrace it and get with the times. The size of your business is irrelevant. The simple fact of the matter is that if you want to stand any chance of succeeding, you will need to own a website for your business; and if you want your business to flourish in these new times, your website will need to do more than the days of old.   Your website will need to work for you . If your website is outdated, neglected, or just simply poorly designed, this could potentially be costing you thousands in lost revenue ever

Exactly How to Locate the Very Best Hardwood Flooring Professional

The most important point to consider when hiring wood floor setup contractors is to identify whether they are a trusted company. With hardwood floor refinishing, experience with both solid and engineered hardwood floor covering is essential to guarantee top quality job. While some hardwood floor redecorating professionals may be reluctant about collaborating with crafted products, a lot of are confident in their capabilities because of their familiarity with the products.To start the process of locating hardwood floor refinishing service providers, make sure to call about to location sellers and flooring firms to get quotes. Many installers will certainly offer you an estimate of the moment and also price for the job. Nonetheless, it is very important to keep in mind that setup times differ relying on the kind of flooring being changed and also the type and also top quality of protective cover applied. For larger tasks, such as space additions or reconstructions, the typical time taken

Exactly how to Study Abroad - What Are the Options Available?

< p style=" box-sizing: border-box; shade: rgb( 88, 88, 88); font-family: Poppins, sans-serif; letter-spacing: 1px;" > When you are intending to do a worldwide internship, you need to understand exactly how to examine abroad. This includes preparing what you need for a successful remain in an international nation. You might be questioning for how long you will certainly be abroad, the prices of this, and the advantages of doing so. Maintain reviewing to find out exactly how to prepare your stay in a foreign country, exactly how to find the right curriculum, and get the very best worth for your money. < p style= "box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb( 88, 88, 88 ); font-family: Poppins, sans-serif; letter-spacing: 1px;" >< p style=" box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb( 88, 88, 88); font-family: Poppins, sans-serif; letter-spacing: 1px;" > Just how much time do you have to invest researching abroad? What you are examining depends greatly on you

Making Riskier Investments: Investing In Futures & Options

That is why it is imperative for you to get to know more about each vehicle. The funds are actually pooled together and invested to give it more revenue and return. This means that although there is still something to gain, the land, which is usually the primary target of most investors, will revert back to the owner. You can put gold in a safety deposit box at your bank or have someone store it for you for a fee, but then you need to trust whoever you store the gold with. We all no that the real estate industry has seen better days thanks to the recession and sadly this chaotic environment is said to continue through 2009 It is a very personal journey that is different for everybody. You'll want to educate yourself before you visit with a dealer. The truth is, there is no right order It is to be noted that not all cheap services prove to be the best and same applies for the most expensive terms. But market forces had changed dramatically, and there were many powerful changes occur